Committee Nametage Pouch
Committee Nametage Bags Of course the committee's plastic bags, idcard plastic bags, nametag plastic bags, election committee plastic bags are for status or identity Whether it's directly or not, people who see the name tags used can be more aware of the activities being carried out, even can also attract them to join also in the organization. Does not cost much but can make your activities more known to others and the organization itself. Idcard plastic bags
please contact us and get the best price quote from us with the product committee plastic bags, idcard plastic bags, nametag plastic bags, election committee plastic bags.
We guarantee orders according to the order and the number of orders because our counting system is manually not weighed.
We will send orders right away and on time according to shipping regulations.
Delivery Schedule:
Monday-Saturday: JNE and J&T close limits at 5 pm the receipt will be updated the night / tomorrow.
Couriers Gosend and Grab close at 3 pm.
Courier Gosend and Grab instant limit closes at 5 pm.
Sunday and red holiday dates.
if the order enters above the closed limit, it will be sent on the next shipping day.
we are also available on Tokopedia, BukaLapak and Shopee
Dexicon Electric online (Tokopedia)
multiindoplastic (Shopee)
Note: We only sell wholesale.