Election Committee Pockets
Bag for election committee
Quality guaranteed
Cheapest price SGS factory
Suitable for plastic tags, ID Card cards, committee participant cards, member cards, tour participants etc.
Other Plastic Raw Materials
We guarantee orders according to the order and the number of orders because our counting system is manually not weighed.
We will send orders right away and on time according to shipping regulations.
Delivery Schedule:
Monday-Saturday: JNE and J&T close limits at 5 pm receipt will be updated the night / tomorrow.
Couriers Gosend and Grab close at 3 pm.
Courier Gosend and Grab instant limit closes at 5 pm.
Sunday and red holiday dates.
if the order enters above the closed limit, it will be sent on the next shipping day.
For reservations, you can directly contact the number listed on our website.
we are also available on Tokopedia, BukaLapak and Shopee
Dexicon Electric online (Tokopedia)
multiindoplastic (Shopee)
Note: We only sell wholesale.