Plastic ID Card
Transparent soft mica pvc plastic bag serves to protect the ID Card so it is not easily damaged or worn out. CV. Multi Indo Plastik was the first to design clear soft mica pvc / doff for protecting electrical cards so that they last a long time and are read / detected by machines in the long run.
Product Details:
Plastic size: 9cm x 13.5cm.
Card size: 8.5cm x 11cm.
Form: Upright.
Material: Transparent / Clear.
Thickness: 0.15.
We guarantee the goods we sell are quality at affordable prices, we guarantee the products sent according to the order and the number of orders because the CV Multi Indo Plastik counting system manually is not weighed, we will send orders immediately and on time according to our shipping regulations.
Delivery Schedule:
Monday-Saturday: JNE and J&T close at 5 pm receipt receipt will be updated the night / tomorrow.
Gosend / Grab couriers close at 3 noon.
Instant Gosend / Grab couriers close at 5 pm.
Sunday and red holiday dates.
For reservations, you can directly contact the number listed on our website.
we are also available on Tokopedia, BukaLapak and Shopee
Dexicon Electric online (Tokopedia)
multiindoplastic (Shopee)
Note: We only sell wholesale.